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Working together to care for Country

September 18, 2023

When Indigenous knowledge is respected to lead the way in land management, better outcomes are possible for all. Join this ‘Agriculture, Water and Economics’ Yarning Circle from the Biri Bulmba Budang National Custodians of Country Gathering 2023, where leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous voices in land management discuss the value of Traditional Fire in supporting agriculture practices.

“We’ve regained so much country back that before we couldn’t use. For us it’s building our confidence around fire, because originally fire was just a scary concept to us, so doing these burns, it eliminates that fear.”

Ashton Smith
Fourth-generation cattle grazier at Jervoise Station




Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park, Smithfield, Cairns | Traditional Owner Ed Smallwood, graziers Ash and Elliot Smith, and Traditional Owner Richard Hoolihan Credit: Annette Ruzicka


  • Facilitator Oral McGuire: Whadjuk/Ballardong Nyungar man and Principle Consultant of Gundi Consulting
  • Aunty Kay Blades: Mandandanji Traditional Owner – South West Queensland
  • Sylvia Leighton: Australian Government Landcare Farming Award Winner 2022
  • Trinity Georgetown: Lama Lama and NQ Dry Tropics NRM Cultural Fire Facilitator
  • Karen Vidler: Partnerships Coordinator NQ Dry Tropics
  • Richard Hoolihan: Gugu Bahden
  • Elliot and Ash Smith: farmers at Jervoise station


Produced by Nviro Media.
Hosted by Wet Tropics Bama with Firesticks, this event is proudly supported by Djabugay Aboriginal Corporation, Landcare Australia, Queensland Government, NSW Aboriginal Land Council, NSW Government, Australian Government, Terrain NRM, Cape York Natural Resource Management, Skyrail Rainforest Cableway and Clean Co QLD.