Awakabal Country | Credit: Saskia Wilson


Like our approach to managing various Country types, we work in different ways to support communities. There is no one single approach. We provide learning tools for communities so they can lead and determine the best way forward to manage and heal their own Country.

Wet Tropics, Far North QLD
Southeast QLD
Hunter, NSW
Greater Sydney NSW
Southern Yuin, NSW
Lutriwita, TAS
Kaurna, SA

Kaurna, SA

Firesticks welcomed the Kaurna Fire Team to the Alliance in 2023 – a small, community-based team passionate about healing and restoring Country by reintroducing Cultural Fire to the landscape.

In 2021, Kaurna held the first Cultural Burn on Kaurna Country in over 100 years at Tuthannga (Park 16) in the Adelaide Parklands. Since this burn, Kaurna has continued to engage Firesticks while networking with Government organisations to secure funding and negotiate access to land to continue this important work.

The Kaurna Fire Team hopes to continue to expand and find more opportunities to access land where they can continue their cultural revival; to heal and put fire back on Country.

Cultural Burning workshops held.
Hosted state-wide Women's Fire Conference.
Revived cultural practice of signal fires as part of Proclamation Day events.

“I look forward to bringing our Old Peoples ways and knowledges of caring for Country back into our landscape to heal and restore Country for a healthier future for us, our children and our children’s children.”

Quahli Newchurch
Kaurna Community Coordinator

Kaurna Country | Clem Newchurch Credit: City of Holdfast Bay.

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